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Turning Demographics Into Gold

Turning Demographics Into Gold

July 4, 2021

Do you know who buys, or is likely to buy, your products, services, or information?If not, you should be looking for demographic facts that bequeath backing you make interest marketing decisions.You do not Turning Demographics Into Gold Do you comprehend who buys, or is likely to buy, your products, services, or information?If not, you should […]

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Old is gold! On Quikr anything can be sold

Old is gold! On Quikr anything can be sold

June 30, 2021

In elapsed times, as the economy grows, the want for housing keeps increasing and gap has become a interrogation for most Indian households in rangy and paltry cities. Be it a joint children or a pair staying on their own Old is gold! On Quikr anything can be sold Indians are increasingly buying a home […]

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Accessories for women just a click away

Accessories for women just a click away

June 29, 2021

The definition of the term routine has been incipient since years. You dont deficiency to be supermodel or a movie monarch to be fashionable You can simply wear a brace of jeans, a shirt and a fine-looking bracelet In this universe of style, accessories question reasonable as much as clothes While there are an deathless […]

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